Upload To Earn

How to start earning by uploading content

Users will be able to earn by uploading their content

Steps :


  1. Purchase InuTube's Native token ITUBE on the BSC network ( Minimum 0.1% ( 1.000.000 ) ITUBE TOKENS )

  2. Connect your wallet ( make sure you connect the same wallet that is holding ITUBE Tokens )

  3. You will be directed to the home page of inutube.net

  4. Register an account ( Make sure to register the same wallet that is holding ITUBE Tokens )

  5. click return to inutube.net

  6. Click the " + " on the top right corner

  7. Upload your content please fill in with correct data ( Wallet must be the same wallet that is holding ITUBE Tokens )

  8. Start to share and gain views


  1. Purchase InuTube's Native token ITUBE on the BSC Network

  2. Go to Playstore search InuTube

  3. Download the APP

  4. Register an account ( Make sure to register the same wallet that is holding ITUBE Tokens )

  5. click return to inutube.net

  6. you will be directed to inutube.net

  7. connect your wallet (make sure you connect the same wallet that is holding ITUBE Tokens)

  8. Click the " + " on the top right corner

  9. Upload your content please fill in with correct data ( Wallet must be the same wallet that is holding ITUBE Tokens )

  10. Start to share and gain views

Last updated